Dr. Ng’s Patients Share Their Chiropractic Success Stories
Dr. Peter Ng has helped many patients improve their quality of life using chiropractic and acupuncture techniques. Read these testimonials from patients who have experienced neck and back pain relief following their treatment at Kipling Chiropractic Centre in Etobicoke.
Sciatica, Back Pain, Leg Pain Testimonials

Living a Productive Life Again
I am writing this letter to show my appreciation for all that you have done for me, when I think back to the excruciating pain I was in 6 months ago.
On April 7, 1998, I woke up to get ready for work, when all of a sudden I could hardly walk and was doubled over with lower back pain. This pain continued for over two months before consulting with my doctor. Around the end of June he sent me for physiotherapy for two weeks which did not work at all. My doctor then sent me for a CAT Scan to see if I needed surgery. The specialist said surgery was not necessary. He did suggest that I take time off from work and rest, I felt I could not jeopardize my job. Finally I decided to search for a chiropractor. After two days of looking through the yellow pages, Dr. Ng's name stood out and said "I can help you"!
Now only ten weeks later I'm feeling 98% better. "Thank you Dr. Ng".
The reason I decided to write this letter of thank you, that maybe if word was known of Dr. Ng's treatments, someone else can get help and live a productive life again.
Janis M.
I Now Have Many Pain-free Days!
Suffering from acute Sciatica, plus a slipped disc and unable to walk vertically, I was afraid to go to my orthopaedic surgeon knowing the lengthy treatment 6 – 8 weeks off work, rest in bed on a board and 6 months of physiotherapy, I could only reject this treatment as another illness would put my job in jeopardy. A friend of mine had recommended Peter Ng, a chiropractor, should I ever need one, as being gentle and painless. I could not envision such a working method, and I was fearful … but my previous years of experience with physiotherapy and the lengthy treatment, offered no alternative, I was in terrible pain and needing immediate relief and crawled up the stairs to Peter Ng’s office.
I have been treated for 6 weeks and am no longer in 24 hour constant pain in comparison to 6 months of physiotherapy which left me with a sense of hopelessness of ever having a pain free day. I now have many!
Joyce K.

Within 2 Treatments, I Started to Walk Without Pain
I am so grateful for the way I feel, that I must tell you and others, just how great it is to be able to go to work and not be in pain.
About 30 years ago I had a bad fall in a boat and hurt my back. It was bruised but I got over that – or so I thought. I started to suffer with lower back pain. I also developed sciatica in my left leg about six years ago and about one year ago – cramps in my leg, burning sensation behind my knee and pain in my left toe. The pain in my toe became the major problem for I became limited to one pair of shoes that I could walk in and often getting them on and off was such a painful ordeal. I thought I might have to consider leaving my job because I’m on my feet all day.
X-rays showed that I had some arthritis and anti-inflammatory drugs and pain killers were the only solution. I was not convinced. I believe the body can heal itself.
Dr. Peter Ng was highly recommended to me and even though I have been getting chiropractic treatments for many years, Dr. Ng’s new technique made sense to me. Within two treatments, I started to walk without pain. I have suffered with migraines for many years and I have been six weeks now without one. I can’t remember not having a four day headache at least twice a month.
Lola G.

Wonderful Work and Patience in Correcting My Severe Pain
I would like to express my appreciation for your wonderful work and patience in correcting the severe pain I have had in my back and right leg for months.
Believe me pain killers were not the answer. I should have contacted you a long time ago with my problem.
Joan A.

Low Back Pain & Depression Testimonials
Pain and Depression Have Left Me Completely
On March 1, 1994, I started having lower back pain and severe pain running down my right leg. I was admitted to the Humber Memorial Hospital on April 20th and was put through a lot of different tests, I had a CAT scan, bone scan and myelogram done and also two nerve blocks which still didn’t stop the excruciating pain. Four doctors examined me and could not find out where the pain was coming from. Thirteen days later, they released me from the hospital in the same state. The pain was so unbearable they had me on narcotics.
I looked up chiropractors in the phone book and found Dr. Peter Ng. After having a couple of treatments with Dr. Ng, the pain was gone. I would strongly recommend Dr. Ng to anyone with back problems. He diagnosed the pain was coming from the neck area which the doctors didn’t look for at all.
I was also on anti-depression pills for what the doctors called a bio-chemical imbalance for the last 30 years and have found with the treatment Dr. Ng is giving me, I no longer have to take this medication and the depression has left me completely.
J. H.

Headache & Migraine Testimonials
Drastic Improvement within Weeks
When I first came to work with Dr. Ng I didn't know very much about Chiropractic care, I never thought it could help headaches. I assumed that stress was the cause of my frequent (4 - 5 times per week) headaches. Dr. Ng gave me various things to read, and as my knowledge about Chiropractic grew I decided to have him examine me. I began my treatment that week and noticed a drastic improvement within weeks, I rarely suffer from headaches now. Sometimes months go by headache free, but when it does happen, Acupuncture and Chiropractic adjustment give me instant relief.
Linda G.

I Rarely Get Migraines Anymore
I started chiropractic care with Dr. Ng to treat my persistent back problems approx. August 1990. However, I also suffered from severe headaches and migraines all of my adult life. I saw many doctors over the years and tried countless drugs. It was all in vain. To my surprise, even though the initial treatment was for back problems, my headaches are almost gone and I rarely get migraines anymore since I started chiropractic care. I am very pleased and feel like a new person. People with constant headaches know what I mean.
I. K.

After Only Four Visits the Headaches Started Disappearing
I am 39 years old, married and a father of three kids, for the better part of my life I suffered from extremely bad migraines. I was constantly at my family doctor for help, however he would always prescribe for me some sort of pain killers and barbiturates.
My pain was never eliminated; instead I was always drowsy and miserable.
One day my brother came by my place and I had one of those really bad headaches so he told me about a chiropractor.
To be perfectly honest I had my doubts about seeing a chiropractor. I did not want to disappoint my brother, and also wanted to prove that there isn’t much anybody could do for me.
How wrong I was!? After only four visits with Dr. Peter Ng the headaches started disappearing, I stopped taking pain killers (took six in a seven months span and before it was 6 – 10 a day) and barbiturates.
I sure wish I would have known about Dr. Peter Ng before, so I could have enjoyed my life and not be suffering.
If any of you have any doubts about a chiropractic treatment, please don’t, because he is there to help you.
Oskar F.

Motor Vehicle Accident Testimonials
For the First Time in Years I Can Feel My Toes, the Numbness Has Gone
I had to write this testimonial not only to show my appreciation, but in the hopes that this letter may help even one other person.
In 1977 I was a very successful business and family man, with a wife, three children and a dog. Although I had a happy disposition and was very healthy, I didn't know my world as I knew it would come to an abrupt stop. On an ordinary day I was rear ended while I stopped for a school bus and that's when my pain started. And for the last twenty years, I've been to numerous doctors, hospitals, looking for help for my pain and depression. All I was offered were pills and good wishes. My family kept seeing a strong man slowly fade away, it came to the point I lost all interest in everything, sleeping was almost impossible, the pain was there at all times, my feet grew completely numb and I felt like I was waiting for the end. I never believed in pills and I would just throw them in the garbage.
I always felt being an optimistic man that there must be another way. And I believe just after two visits my recovery began. For the first time in years I can feel my toes, the numbness has gone from the top of my head, I feel better all over. I do know I have received a miracle from God when he sent me to see you. I don't know how far my recovery can be, but I intend to keep coming for treatment as long as I possibly can. I lost almost a third of my life and I'm going to make sure the rest will be as happy for me and my wife as it can possibly be.
In closing I would like to say that I really appreciate the excellent results I have received even though I am a novice.
To anybody that reads this I would just like to say there is a better way and Dr. Ng is the better way.
Bob F.

Allergy, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Tendonitis Testimonials
For the First Time in My Life I Had an Allergy-Free Summer
Last spring, Dr. Ng, I went to you for a treatment or two. You persuaded me to get regular treatments although I couldn’t really see that I needed them. However the regular treatments set me up for an experience that was most unexpected. I am 62 years old and for the past 62 years I have sneezed my way through the entire summer due to allergies. I have taken injections which never worked and have tried to juggle one-a-day pills with every-four-hours pills to try to achieve a trade-off between falling asleep with drugs and being sneeze-free.
Last summer, something unusual happened. So unusual that I phoned the Pollen Count People to discover if the daily pollen count had gone down to zero. No. The pollen situation was perfectly normal. Then why had my allergies disappeared? For the first time in my life I had an allergy-free summer.
There was only one conclusion for me to reach: the regular chiropractic treatments had introduced an enhanced state of health into my nervous system, and this in turn had improved the cell structures, and the stronger cells were able to cope with the pollen. I was flabbergasted.
And now for my wife. She had been labouring in a very onerous mailroom job for twenty years and it came to pass that she developed problems in the full extent of her right arm. She had numbness in the thumb and two fingers, a heaviness in the arm itself, a knotted muscle in the shoulder, and a constant soreness in the upper spine. The medical profession, in its wisdom, decided to view each of these conditions as a separate problem, and she was scheduled for carpal tunnel surgery, which she underwent, and the condition in her fingers was thereby worsened. For the muscle problems she was prescribed relaxants, which helped not a bit. They called the shoulder difficulty tendonitis and prescribed months of OHIP-sponsored physiotherapy and poured more drugs into her body. And of course, for the sore neck—Aspirin.
However, my task today is not to belabour the problems of basic intelligence in the medical profession, but simply to say ‘thank you’ for completely restoring my wife’s arm and fingers to health over a period of about six months’ treatment. The fingers, of course, took a bit longer to heal than the shoulder and neck.
Well, Dr. Ng, that is my story. You can see I have a great deal to thank chiropractic for. My life would have been a write-off due to chronic pain had it not been for the intelligent ministrations of perceptive chiropractors.
Keep up the good work and the wonderful healing!
Frank J.

My Sleep Has Improved and Best of All I Am Free of Pain
I am writing this testimonial because I feel it is the least I can do to give back as a token of my appreciation for all Dr. Ng has done for me. If I can encourage just one person to give themselves the opportunity of working with Dr. Ng with the goal of achieving their optimum level of health and healing, I will be happy.
January 1, 1997 I came down with a viral infection while I was on vacation. I spent the majority of my vacation time in the hotel room and the hospital emergency room. I was extremely weak, dizzy and had great difficulty breathing. I couldn't imagine how I would make it home on a five hour flight. But with a lot of assistance I did make it and spent three months in bed and seeing doctors, trying every medication they prescribed and feeling as if I was getting worse. I was experiencing a lot of pain throughout my body and having difficulty with sleep and there didn't seem to be any relief for this. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and was told that this is chronic not fatal and I would learn to adjust my lifestyle around the pain and what I could and could not do. I did adjust somewhat but felt there must be a way to do better. I was then referred to Dr. Ng.
Since I have been working with Dr. Ng, which I believe has been about six weeks, I am experiencing a wonderful sense of well-being. I have a lot of energy, my sleep has improved and best of all I am free of pain. I have followed Dr. Ng's advice with regard to supplements, exercise and number of chiropractic treatments. I will continue to work at improving my lifestyle, diet, exercise routine and educate myself in the entire area of wellness. I certainly will continue to see Dr. Ng and take advantage of his knowledge and the generosity with which he shares it. I am nearly fifty four years of age and I can honestly say this is the healthiest and strongest and happiest I have felt in my life. It is wonderful to have the stamina and the desire to participate in all life has to offer.
Sharon E.

Glad to Report That I Am Feeling Great
In June 2000, I was diagnosed with endometriosis. My specialist told me my options were surgery or hormone therapy, he also told me there was no cure and that either option would only be a temporary solution. My first reaction was not to have any treatment at all, but left untreated it could cause infertility. My research on hormone therapy revealed devastating side effects, and I didn't want to subject myself to numerous surgeries. When I asked Dr. Ng for his advice, he suggested Chinese herbal medicine. I decided to have a combination of Acupuncture and Chinese herbs and am glad to report that I am feeling great! The reason I encourage to stick with treatment is because I know first-hand that it works.
Linda G.

Spastic Colon
A New Energy and a Stronger Will to Live
For most of my life I suffered from a spastic colon which doctors were unable to treat. I was weak, tired and in constant discomfort.
After six months of chiropractic and herbs I am a new person. My whole outlook on life has improved as a result of a better functioning body. No more pain and discomfort; instead, a new energy and a stronger will to live!
Also my two teenage children have benefited from chiropractic visits and herbal remedies.
M. E.

Call us at 416-745-1974 today to book your free initial evaluation.