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Chiropractic Treatment Promotes Whole Body Healing
Chiropractic focuses on re-aligning and maintaining proper spinal position. By correcting posture and aligning the vertebrae, patients often experience relief from neck and back pain, as well as healing from other seemingly unrelated symptoms. At Kipling Chiropractic Centre, Dr. Peter Ng provides chiropractic, acupuncture to promote whole body healing. If you aren’t enjoying life to the fullest due to body pain, visit us in Etobicoke for a free consultation and evaluation .
Select a chiropractic topic to learn more:
What is Chiropractic?
Proper Posture
Chiropractic Adjustment
The Gonstead System
The Activator Methods
The Thompson Technique

What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is not only a science, it is a philosophy and an art. Chiropractors know that the body possesses an internal wisdom that continually strives to keep itself in a state of optimal health. This internal wisdom controls our heart rate, blood pressure, digestion and all vital bodily functions.
Our body is capable of self-healing and self-regulation allowing us to naturally adapt to the internal and external environment. The nervous system is what allows our body to self-regulate and heal by sending mental impulses to each of our cells, instructing them on how to function properly. These mental impulses are transmitted from the brain via nerves passing through the spine. When vertebrae in the spine become misaligned, the body’s communication process is disrupted. These vertebral misalignments are referred to as subluxations.
Chiropractic’s aim is to ensure that the body’s natural healing processes are allowed to function without nerve interference due to misaligned vertebrae.
Proper Posture
Correct posture is necessary for a properly functioning body. Correct posture is determined by a series of spinal joints, muscles, discs and ligaments. Each of these body parts function as a whole in providing normal posture. The spine is composed of bones, joints and discs which, when placed in the correct posture, are capable of withstanding high degrees of stress. The spine is extremely flexible yet it also provides protection for the spinal cord, nervous system and supports the internal organs. The spinal cord is capable of withstanding a high degree of pressure, however, when enough force is applied to it, will become damaged.

External stress from gravity continually compresses our body and can lead to poor posture if our body cannot withstand it effectively.
Our spinal posture is unique. In the neck or cervical region, the spine curves forward, in the mid-back or thoracic region, the spine curves backward and in the lower back or lumbar region, the spine curves forward again. Subluxations arise when our alignment is distorted. This is seen in cases when the spinal curves are either too large or too small. Normal posture is seen in patients when a line passes from the ear to the shoulder, down to the hip and knee and to the ankle. If you do not line up along these lines, your posture is abnormal and will produce subluxations.
Your chiropractor can also assess your posture by viewing the spine from behind, front and side. You should notice that the spine is basically straight up and down and that it does not tilt to one side or the other. Also, the shoulders and hips, when viewed from behind while standing, should be even. This means that one shoulder or hip is not higher than the other. Scoliosis is a spinal condition in which the spine, when viewed from behind, tilts to one side or the other. This can lead to back pain and compression of the internal organs in extreme cases.
Subluxation is a Latin term comprised of 'sub' which means less than and 'luxation' which means dislocation. A Vertebral Subluxation refers to a spinal bone which is out of alignment and no longer operates normally. Subluxations exert pressure on the nervous system, causing disruption in nerve function.
Subluxations can arise from physical, chemical or emotional stress. Physical stress is the most common type of stress. Examples are motor vehicle accidents, slip and fall injuries, sports injuries, and giving birth. Birth produces vertebral subluxation, especially when forceps or vacuum extraction is used during delivery. Up to 70 pounds of pressure are exerted on the newborn's head and neck, causing serious subluxations to develop.
Chemical stresses affect the nervous system. Examples of chemical stressors include pollutants in the environment, drugs, alcohol and a poor diet. These substances can act to irritate and prevent optimal functioning of the nervous system, as well as many other systems of the body, causing negative chemical imbalances.
Emotional stress can put a great demand on the spinal joints, muscles and the nervous system. Emotional stress from experiencing relationship troubles, being stuck in traffic, or overwhelmed at work builds up the tension in our muscles and joints, and if left alone uncorrected over time, will eventually lead to headaches, spinal pain, high blood pressure and anxiety. Tension is increased primarily in the upper back, shoulders and neck muscles and will produce subluxation. Emotions also play an important role in the healing process because negative thoughts can actually hinder healing.
No matter the type of stress being placed on the nervous system, stress of any kind will cause a negative outcome. Vertebral subluxation will develop, causing further nerve interference. Whenever the nervous system is interfered with, the connection between brain and body is impaired, and there may be far reaching effects on any cells, tissues and organs of the body.
Chiropractors correct subluxations.
Chiropractic treatment is a hands-on approach to natural healing. It does not involve treatment using drugs and surgery, since chiropractors believe these modes of therapy to be more invasive and less natural to the body. Drugs typically cause a myriad of side effects and do not get to the source of the health problem, merely masking it. Chiropractors treat the nervous system by removing subluxations which cause nerve interference and poor health.
Chiropractors use their hands and some instruments to perform an adjustment. The adjustment involves a gentle, quick movement directed at the subluxation to move it into the correct position and remove the interference to the nerve.
There are different techniques of chiropractic adjustments:

The Gonstead System
Gonstead chiropractic procedures are the result of extensive clinical research by Dr. Clarence Gonstead (1898-1978) whose fifty years of experience resulted in the most complete method of biomechanical analysis and in delivering a very specific adjustment of the human spine. The spinal assessment is performed by using instrumentation, static palpation, motion palpation and X-ray analysis.
The Activator Methods
Activator methods chiropractic technique was developed in the late 1960s. The hand held Activator instrument is a relatively new concept in adjusting the spine without undue strain to the patient. Because of the accuracy and controlled light force, Activator Methods are suitable for all types of patients.
The Thompson Technique
Thompson Technique was founded by Dr. Clay Thompson who also invented the ‘Segmental Terminal Drop Table’ in 1957. This technique utilizes a ‘Drop Table’ to enhance the gentle chiropractic thrust delivered to the spine. The ‘Drop table’ system takes advantage of the spine’s inherent design of the joints in order to improve the motion of the segment.
Call us at 416-745-1974 to book your appointment.